March 7, 2024
Hey so yeah we are so back with the blog!!!

Yeah I know that there are some formatting things that are not done yet I just didn't get to them yet. But I do have some new stuff i've been doing. So I bought another camera a 35mm Olympus Pen EE. I love watching technology connections and I saw his video of the Olympus Pen and I just thought it was so cool. Its a half frame fully automatic camera that has its own light meter that needs no power.

I also wanted to switch over to a dumbphone of any kind but I decided on the Cat s22. I did see on reddit a new project or well an indiegogo started for a very interesting phone. It was called the minimal phone and it is going to be a blackberry type phone with an eink display that runs andriod. Now they only made a prototype and I was thinking about supporting the project but it seems kinda sketchy. People have been saying that the people behind this are known for failed projects. If this phone does release and it gives all they promise and at the price they set then I will problably buy one.